Is Your Home Secure?

According to the Arizona Department of Public Safety there are more than 26,000 burglaries each year. That is nearly 72 burglaries each day putting not only your valuables at risk, but your family as well. Statically speaking, there is a murder happening in our city every other day. These statistics are recorded to have happened in Maricopa County, AZ during 2014 but are pretty accurate numbers across any major city in the United States still today. Now I have to ask, is your home secure enough?

I by no means am a skeptic, I love living in the Valley of the Sun but protecting my family, and you protecting yours, is a major priority with all of the corruption happening on our streets. We need to make sure we are taking every provision we can to create the most secure environment possible. Security alarms, security monitoring, automated door and lock controls, usernames and passwords, as well as protecting your information are elements you must be aware of to make your home more protected, to create a secure smart home.

With the technological advancements that have happened in the last 5+ years there are more home monitoring devices available than ever before. Be sure to do your research on the product you are purchasing to make sure the company has set up the security features of the product effectively. A suggested home monitoring product line would be IC RealtimeWirepath Surveillance or Luma Surveillance. they can provide the security cameras and monitors to maximize your vantage point of your home. Along with the Monitoring devices you should also consult with a security monitoring company that can install an alarm into your home and provide 24/7 service. This surveillance allows for extra protection for your family.

In this day and age homes are becoming smart homes by obtaining more devices to stay connected and ideally are creating an easier life for you. There are hundreds of items that can do anything from control your lighting to entertain to save you money. Research shows that within the next few years there will be an average of almost 50 devices connected in your home at any given time. To keep your home secure, an investment into automated door locks and garage doors can create a much more protected environment. These products will allow you to make sure your home is closed from anywhere in the world and can be set up to alert you if doors or windows do get opened.

Lastly, you must create a sense of security for yourself by protecting against others accessing your network and controlling your systems. You must do this a couple of ways such as dynamic usernames and passwords (not your kids or pets names), don’t publish personal information online (including addresses and when your away from home), as well as make sure the devices and your network are created to promote security.

For more information, please contact Artisan Systems at 480.538.1071 or visit Your Premier Audio-Video Experience Providers Artisan Systems


Colonel Frank L. Milstead, Director (2014) Crime in Arizona 2014: County Offense and Supplemental Data, Page 57. Retrieved from http://www.azdps.gov/About/Reports/docs/Crime_In_Arizona_Report_2014.pdf